The firm was established by Hein Laage during October 1976 in the then booming mining town of Carletonville. He established the firm in conjunction with the firm Schoeman & Kellerman from Welkom with whom he did his articles as a candidate attorney. The firm was initially known as Laage Schoeman & Kellerman.

Mr Laage soon bought out the interest of Schoeman & Kellerman and practised for his own account for a short period of time before he was joined by Peet Erasmus. At this point in time the firm’s name changed to Laage Schoeman & Erasmus. Like many marriages this partnership did not last very long where after the firm’s name changed to Laage Schoeman in 1979.

The firm’s name finally changed to the present day Laage Schoeman & Stadler when Francois Stadler joined the firm in 1982. This partnership proved to be much more enduring and lasted for more than 14 years before the partners decided to incorporate the firm by registering a professional services company known as Laage Schoeman & Stadler Incorporated in 1996.

In the beginning of 2001, and after serving the community of Carletonville for almost 25 years, the directors of the firm came to the realisation that the closure and/or down scaling of mining activities in the Carletonville area would have a very negative impact on the financial viability of the firm in the future.

It was then decided that a branch office should be opened in a town with better long term growth prospects. After considering a few candidates, Vanderbijlpark was decided upon where after Laage Schoeman & Stadler Inc opened its doors to start serving the community of the Vaal Triangle during October 2001. Both the Carletonville & Vanderbijlpark offices operated until December 2013 when the Carletonville office was closed, 37 years after opening its doors for the first time.

During October 2016 the firm celebrated its 40th anniversary.